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work with us, work with partners who help you win. Exclusive sTRATEGIES FOR EXCLUSIVE GROWTH #ExclusiveAddis #AddisMarketing #MarketingEthiopia AddisAgency EthiopianMarketing AddisAdvertising #EthiopiaBusiness #AddisBranding #EthiopianBrands #AddisDigitalMarketing #EthiopianDigitalAgency #AddisPR #EthiopianPRAgency #AddisCreative #EthiopianCreativeAgency #AddisMedia #EthiopianMediaAgency #AddisStrategy #EthiopianStrategyAgency #AddisConsulting.


Exclusive strategies for Exclusive growth


Exclusive Addis is a premier full-service marketing agency headquartered in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. EA was Established in 2019 by a team of creative professionals working together to implement your ideas into reality. Our mission is to support companies like yours to grow, optimize and transform by maximizing your return on investment.


Digital Marketing                

​Exclusive Addis is dedicated to delivering the most impactful digital marketing solutions in the industry, utilizing the expertise of a highly skilled and knowledgeable team. Our objective is to level the playing field for our clients and grant them a competitive edge in their respective industries.



​Branding is a fundamental process that establishes the identity of your business, serving as the foundation for its future success. Our team of experienced branding specialists goes beyond the basics of logo design and naming to create a memorable and impactful identity that aligns with your company's values, personality, and vision.


Social Media Marketing

​At Exclusive Addis, we recognize the importance of social media marketing in today's business landscape, with over 6.35 million social media users in Ethiopia. Our team of experienced marketing managers excels in designing and executing impactful social media campaigns that effectively target, engage, and connect with potential clients.

We provide Marketing team with marketing heads

Exclusive Addis is dedicated to providing top-notch marketing services to our clients by offering a comprehensive marketing team led by a certified marketing head. Our team is committed to finding and creating opportunities for your organization and executing marketing campaigns that effectively promote your products and services. We are responsible for building a positive image of your company through targeted outreach efforts to prospects, customers, and investors.


#ExclusiveAddisAgency #AddisMarketingExperts #EthiopianBusinessSolutions #AddisAdvertisingAgency #EthiopianBrandingExperts #AddisDigitalMarketingAgency #EthiopianSocialMediaMarketing #AddisPRAgency #EthiopianPublicRelationsExperts #AddisCreativeAgency #EthiopianContentMarketing #AddisMediaAgency #EthiopianMediaProduction #AddisStrategyExperts #EthiopianMarketingConsultants #AddisConsultingServices #EthiopianMarketResearch #AddisWebDesign #EthiopianGraphicDesigners #AddisEventPlanning.
#ExclusiveAddisDigital #AddisDigitalMarketing #EthiopianDigitalAgency #AddisSocialMediaMarketing #EthiopianSocialMediaAgency #AddisSEO #EthiopianSEOExperts #AddisPPC #EthiopianPPCExperts #AddisSEM #EthiopianSEMExperts #AddisOnlineMarketing #EthiopianOnlineMarketingAgency #AddisContentMarketing #EthiopianContentMarketingAgency #AddisEmailMarketing #EthiopianEmailMarketingAgency #AddisInfluencerMarketing #EthiopianInfluencerMarketingAgency #AddisDigitalAdvertising.

Our Services


Digital Marketing                

​Exclusive Addis is dedicated to delivering the most impactful digital marketing solutions in the industry, utilizing the expertise of a highly skilled and knowledgeable team. Our objective is to level the playing field for our clients and grant them a competitive edge in their respective industries.


​Branding is a fundamental process that establishes the identity of your business, serving as the foundation for its future success. Our team of experienced branding specialists goes beyond the basics of logo design and naming to create a memorable and impactful identity that aligns with your company's values, personality, and vision.


Social Media Marketing

​At Exclusive Addis, we recognize the importance of social media marketing in today's business landscape, with over 6.35 million social media users in Ethiopia. Our team of experienced marketing managers excels in designing and executing impactful social media campaigns that effectively target, engage, and connect with potential clients.

Marketing Operations, Marketing Strategy, Marketing Analytics

​At Exclusive Addis, we offer comprehensive marketing services designed to help businesses thrive in today's competitive landscape. Our team of marketing experts specializes in marketing operations, marketing strategy, and marketing analytics, providing our clients with a full suite of services to elevate their marketing efforts and achieve their business goals.


Business Guidance and consultancy

Exclusive Addis provides comprehensive Business Guidance and Consultancy services, tailored to meet the evolving needs of businesses in today's dynamic market. Our experienced business consultants are equipped with the knowledge, skills and experience to help businesses adapt to market challenges and stay competitive.


Architectural Designs

​At Exclusive Addis, we are dedicated to providing exceptional architectural design services for a variety of structures, from hotels and houses to bridges, schools, and office buildings. Our team of experienced architects and civil engineers work together to create innovative solutions that balance aesthetics, cost, durability, and environmental responsibility.

Promotional campaigns

Our team of experts will oversee the implementation of exclusive promotional campaigns in Addis, aimed at elevating brand awareness and expanding customer reach. The campaigns will utilize a multi-faceted approach, incorporating both online and offline advertising as well as the creation of captivating and unique content that resonates with the target audience.

Running Ads on all social media platforms

At Exclusive Addis, we are committed to delivering exceptional results through our advertising campaigns. Our team has expertise in the media buying process and is well-versed in the algorithms of various social media platforms. We offer comprehensive advertising services, including brand awareness campaigns, lead generation funnels, creative development, messaging, and targeting.


Advertising plays a crucial role in promoting a brand, its products, and services. Exclusive Addis offers three forms of advertising: informative, persuasive, and reminder advertising. Our informative advertising creates awareness about your brand, products, and services. Our persuasive advertising aims to convince potential customers of the superiority of your company's offerings and enhance your company's image. Our goal is to drive consumer action and increase your brand's visibility. Lastly, reminder advertising serves to remind potential customers of the need for a product or service and the benefits it provides, encouraging prompt purchase decisions.

TV & RADIO Advertisement

Exclusive Addis will make your brand the biggest thing on television and radio. Advertising with us gives you the power to target any audience & reach them instantaneously. If you want national reach or if you’d prefer to target a local audience, we have compelling local contents that resonate with them. All our TV and Radio advertisements are produced carefully with high-quality and creative marketing ideas. Our production and marketing team will handle all the attention-grabbing creativity and quality of the advertisements

Content Development

​Exclusive Addis provides comprehensive content development services to help you communicate your brand message effectively. Our team of experts, including marketing professionals, designers, videographers, and copywriters, create content tailored to your target audience and advertising goals. From educational articles to audio and video content, photography, copywriting, 3D contents, animations, and blog posts, we specialize in designing and producing content in all its forms.


Influencer Marketing

Exclusive Addis offers comprehensive influencer marketing services, leveraging the expertise of our team to deliver impactful campaigns that meet the unique goals and objectives of each client. Our custom-tailored approach combines the best influencers, platforms, and content to drive maximum results.

Social Media Management

Exclusive Addis specializes in providing professional social media management services in Ethiopia. With the average internet user spending 70% of their time on social media, having a strong presence on these platforms can be extremely beneficial for your business. Our team is dedicated to managing and optimizing your social media presence, allowing you to focus on other areas of your business.


Graphics Design

We eat with our eyes first. We decide to read a book based on its cover. We discover attraction based on appearance. We want to pair your vision with our creativity and empower you to stand out and look great doing it. Our graphics designers and marketers create memorable designs, and with few words tell stories that speak directly to the core of your brand identity.

Web Design & Development

- If you are planning to get a website for your business, we are the right people to do that for you. We develop unique handcrafted websites by young Software developers that are skilled in virtually every programming language your project may require backed with the latest cutting-edge technologies.

Video and photo production

​Our production team specializes in producing emotionally impactful video and photo content, including TV commercials, video tours, product photography, campaigns, and branded content. Our aim is to help companies effectively communicate their stories, connect with their target audience, and drive business growth through the use of video.

Audio Engineering

​Our audio engineering team comprises of highly skilled producers, engineers, and interns, who are all passionate about music. Our goal is to create a conducive environment that empowers artists to bring their musical vision to life. We are committed to maintaining the highest standards of sonic quality in all our audio production work.

Talent Management

​Our Talent Management service offers comprehensive representation and advisory services to select musicians and influencers, facilitating the growth and development of their careers. Our dedicated talent managers take care of the operational and business aspects of our clients' careers, allowing them to focus on their craft as artists.

Have a project on your Mind?

Our unparalleled history of delivering exceptional Marketing services has consistently enabled businesses to achieve unprecedented success.

Schedule an appointment with our Team to find out more about our services.
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Our unparalleled history of delivering exceptional digital marketing services has consistently enabled businesses to achieve unprecedented success.

Our Happy Clients

"I was hesitant to invest in social media marketing at first, but I'm so glad I did - and that I chose Exclusive Addis! Their team took the time to understand my business and goals, and have delivered amazing results. My social media accounts are now an integral part of my marketing strategy, thanks to Exclusive Addis."

Meron Dejene, Marketing Manager

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